This charter recalls the spirit, the cardinal principles of joining the association
The promoters of the association consider the common destiny of the peoples of the world and particularly between Africa and Europe.
They find in some indigenous peoples, who have often remained in the area, in good faith of their culture (see episteme concept), difficulties in apprehending the mutual benefits of these economic exchanges, cultural, personal that only celebrate the human.
The promoters know the difficulty sometimes, to grasp the codes of the other, key to empathic interaction, only basis true universal language. They recognize the difficulty of completing integration, its questioning as well, amisdt alterity, marginality and alienation.
Taking note of the obligation humanist to work to "change the world, better", so they commit themselves to the missions of:
- Promotion
of migration, by testifying to the fact that the migrant reveals a double difference, a mutual richness. It is neither strange, nor threatening, nor lower, nor superior in other order than bias serving the stated causes henceforth, rejected out of time ... Anthropological convocation of the History thus, on the historical responsibility of the migrant: personal, citizen, cultural....
- Promotion
of migration by numbers and facts of socio-economic enrichment mutual that it generates. Statistical Diatribe against Obscurantism and Extremism in search of scapegoats ... Watchful, speaking, solidarity,
information and action, including business or educational, on migration.
- Promotion
of migration by practice and sharing of its cardinal values: solidarity, tolerance and trust in the human being that fuse exchange, trade peoples, welcome and integration of foreigners, in the domestic neighborhood, professional, the acceptance of his contribution, here and there, back home.
Support by solidarity
effective, primarily to the poor here, there, but without forgetting the artisans
at work: members, contributors, users.
The success of these missions requires the need for a resolute and humble commitment to the social object. That is, insured their ability to respond locally, through collective work, to this necessary, that they decide to found the present association, to act in combining, complementing their differences, here and there.
To this end, engaged themselves in action, they require of every member, on his honor, an active adhesion, firm and definitive to the following principles:
Absolute freedom of membership or withdrawal of the association. Absolute freedom of expression and respect of opinion, in strict conformity with the associative framework.
Clarity of governance of designated bodies and full dedication of directors to the research
in the service of their constituents, the only holders of the associative sovereignty, themselves engaged resolutely and in good faith, in service of the social object.
Total loyalty to the spirit of the present charter, concrete realization of the commitment and manifestation of will of the progress of the association. Sincerity to oneself and action.